This website is a placeholder of a Love Biz in emergence. It was established Nov 15, 2022, by the founder Anders Abrahamsson.
A Love Biz, defined, is if you view all revenue incoming as private donations to the one doing the stuff, and all output done in the name of the Brand/Identity is shared with different forms of Open Access, for the Commons, at different levels of rights holding – when the output of the created and produced being digital, that is. The main thing is that money is not made of the produced as such. Sharing is Caring!
If matters of physical products are made, still to be defined. Research-In-Progress!
This topic will be dealt with in an up-and-coming event for a small set of narrow collaborators in an upstart process, currently in Stealth Mode.
The event is named #NKPGELDERS2022, held in Norrköping, Nov 22-24, 2022.
To get updated on the progress of this Love Biz in the name of RE:LOVE THE WORLD, do sign up for the newsletter of Anders Abrahamsson here.